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Think your love has what it takes?

Think your love has what it takes? Try this 10 question, free love compatibility test to find out. This test is valid for all romantic love relationships:
1. Are you mutually accepting of any differences between you in terms of your views on life?
#Given the billions of people on Earth, it is easy to understand why there are countless variations among us. Even between two people who speak the same language and share the same culture, the differences can be huge. The values, beliefs, and general outlooks on life between any two people likely differ greatly. For love to last, it is important that the two of you can agree to disagree on those items where you differ in terms of values, belief, and opinion.
2. Is he or she willing to make compromises in order to keep you feeling happy?
#As the old adage goes, life is full of compromises. And you know what: so is love! You know you have found true love when the person you are with is willing to give up something that they love (or want to do) or to do something they don t want to do just to please you. If you have found that quality in a mate, you are lucky indeed!

3. Does he or she often do nice things for you, such as giving you a surprise gift or card?
#With modern life having become so routine for most of us, surprises are the spice of life in a love relationship. Receiving or giving a little surprise to the one we love keeps daily life interesting. And, planning a surprise requires effort, focus and patience. If your lover gives you surprises often enough to meet your satisfaction, mark this one a yes and move on. If not, mark no.

4. Does your love interest compliment or praise you often?
#Real love requires a feeling not only of physical attraction, but also one of respect. If your lover respects you, you will find him or her giving you compliments or singing your praises fairly often. If they do this, it is a very good sign that a deeper love is present between you.

5. Does he or she often touch you while you talk together?
#Physical affection is an important part of any lasting relationship. People like to be reminded of the romantic love they share by the occasional caress or touch from their mate. These touches do not need to be sexual in nature they can even appear innocent and platonic to other observers. The point is: frequent touching signifies attraction, and attraction is a cornerstone in the foundation of a lasting relationship.
6. Have you hugged or kissed each other at least once during the most recent two times you were together?
#Hugging and kissing are another way of expressing romantic love and attraction. In most cultures, frequent physical hugging and kissing signify that the flame of love is lit and burning strong.
7. Can you imagine yourself spending your entire life with him or her?
# Close your eyes and imagine your life in 5 or 10 years. Is it almost impossible to picture yourself in your mind s eye as a happy person even if you were no longer with your lover at that time? If so, a deeper part of you probably intends to be with him or her forever.
8. If you were to spend the rest of your life on a desert island and could choose just one person to take with you, would your lover be that person?
#If your lover is your soul mate, he or she will be the first person that comes to mind if you were forced to take just one person with you to a desert island. On the other hand, i your lover isn t even among your top 5 choices for a desert island companion, your relationship is probably a fleeting one.

9. Would you consider him or her one of your best friends? Is your lover also your best friend?
#Do you confide in him or her at least as much or more than you confide in anyone else? If you enjoy spending time together even if you are not being particularly romantic or physical you likely share a lasting love.
10. Do you ever feel like he or she can read your mind?

# Many couples who are very close feel like they can read each other s minds almost like they are connected by some invisible communications system. Of course, this type of mind reading usually comes with time and is not always present in newer relationships. Still, if you find the two of you are often on the same wavelength about numerous things, you are likely very compatible in the love department.

Okay, time to tally up your score. How times did you answer yes (out of a possible 10)?

If you scored more 4 6 on this love compatibility test, you are definitely in love, but you may not be compatible enough to make it long term. If you scored 7 8, your chances for long term compatibility are very strong. If you scored 9 or 10, you have absolutely nothing to worry about: your relationship should stand the test of time.

Author Resource:- Problems in your relationship? To learn the best-kept secrets about how to make a troubled relationship work again, learn from the same love guru who taught me at here